The right implement could be the key to helping your customers reach their goals of becoming a more responsible, sustainable, and efficient grower.
Rinieri (DRF)
The Rinieri Tower DRF is a dry leaf stripper that removes leaves from vines, increasing the maturing of the grapes, and reducing the need for spraying. The DRF features a reversible frame which permits the removal of leaves from the same side, and a double sickle bar for cutting branches.
Rinieri (CPL)
The Rinieri Tower CPL is a New pre-prunning machine for vineyard use. The CPL is available with 4+4, 6+6, 8+8 and 10+10 cutting discs. The machine safely cuts and removes branches from guide wires. The head can be supplied with the frame, or can be mounted on all Rinieri trimming and deleafing machines.
Rinieri (SRV Tower 2)
The Rinieri Tower SRV Tower 2 is a Double head SRV mounted on the TOWER 2 front mount frame. The machine simultaneously removes side shoots and vineyard grass. The push version is much more user friendly than the pull version. It is available in three widths for rows ranging from 150cm to 350cm.
Rinieri (CRF SB2)
The Rinieri CRF SB2 is a pruning machine ideal for high density orchards, The CRF SB2 features a high visibility frame, and cutting bar with “SCH” teeth for working with branches up to 4cm. Available options include two cutting lengths of the vertical bar, topping and skirting bars, and joystick controls.